Linear Algebra & complex analysis, Mathematical Statistics and Linear programming, Numerical Analysis & C-Programming, Practical
Linear Algebra & complex analysis, Mathematical Statistics and Linear programming, Numerical Analysis & C-Programming, Practical
Solid State Physics, Nuclear Physics, Elementary Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy, Practical
Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Chemistry Practical
Plant physiology and biochemistry, Ecology and phytogeography, Biotechnology and utilization of plants, Practical
Animal Diversity (Part-III)
Vertebrates and Evolution, Mammalian Physiology and Immunology, Developmental Biology, Practical
Diversity & Systematics of Seed Plants-Gymnosperms, Diversity & Systematics of Seed Plants-Angiosperms, Structure Development and Reproduction of Flowering Plants, Practical
Animal Diversity (Part-2) Arthropoda To Protochordata, Endocrinology And Ethology, Animal Ecology And Biostatistics, Practical
Real Analysis, Differential Equations, Mechanics, Practical
Thermodynamics, Electronics, Relativity And Mathmatical Physics, Physics Practical
Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Chemistry Practical